Wednesday, January 18, 2006

Simple Steps to Starting Your Own Web Site Promotion Service By Christopher J Enders

When you embark on an internet marketing venture, there is a lot to learn about internet marketing and web site promotion techniques. If you master the art and you find it interesting, it may be logical, profitable and satisfying for you to start your own web site promotion service. With a web site promotion service, there is definitely a lot of competition because many internet entrepreneurs looking for business opportunities have followed the same line of thinking.

However, even with a great number of web site promotion services in existence, web site promotion services is a service that can be offered worldwide without geographic limitations. There are a number of untapped niche markets for a web site promotion service and you can still easily set yourself apart from your competition and establish your business as an expert in a certain field when offering your web site promotion service to a niche market.

With a web site promotion service, the world truly is your playground. However, to target your marketing for effective promotion of your web site promotion service, it is a good idea to narrow the scope of your business by identifying a niche market and relatively a specific target market. To identify a niche market, market research is generally needed. The research process begins with brainstorming followed by information gathering and then analysis of the data obtained through your research efforts.

Once this is complete, you will be able to make an informed decision in regard to the market you will target and you can gather specific information about your narrowly defined target market and its characteristics. You can then identify or devise your competitive advantage and your unique selling proposition, write your business and marketing plans, prepare your sales copy, and begin marketing your web site promotion service.

Following is an explanation of simple steps to starting your own web site promotion service:

1. Brainstorm

When you brainstorm, try to think of specific markets you may target with your web site promotion service. Consider your past experiences and your interests. For instance, if you have background experience in equipment sales, you may want to target online equipment companies as users of your web site promotion service. If your background is in real estate, maybe real estate agents or real estate developers would benefit from your industry expertise and web site promotion services. If you don't want to choose a niche market based on your past experiences, strive to generate ideas industries that interest you.

2. Gather information

Using the industries or niches that you are interested in marketing your web site promotion services to, gather information about the industry, competitors who are marketing to the potential target markets and the characteristics of the potential target markets.

3. Analyze data

Analyze the information you have collected for the potential target markets for your web site promotion service.

4. Choose a target market

Choose the target market for your web site promotion service based on your interests, the characteristics of the market, and the competition.

5. Conduct market research

Conduct more market research to find out more specific information about your target market, your competition, and the feasibility of keywords to be used in marketing your web promotion service. You may want to research more than one market to determine which one is the least saturated.

6. Identify your competitive advantage and develop a unique selling proposition

Using the information gleaned from your market research identify your competitive advantage and develop a unique selling proposition that will make your web site promotion service stand out from the crowd.

7. Write your business and marketing plans

Carefully craft a business plan and marketing plans taking into consideration the target market, your unique selling proposition, marketing mediums, marketing strategies, and budgetary allowances.

8. Prepare your sales copy

Prepare first-rate sales copy that will convert browsers to buyers of your web promotion service offerings.

9. Market your web site promotion service

Market your web site promotion service consistently in accordance with your marketing plan.

10. Continually monitor and improve your web site promotion service

Monitor the effectiveness of your marketing and performance for your web site promotion service. Be proactive and make changes to your business and marketing plan as needed in order to meet your projected income and grow your business.

Copyright Christopher J. Enders. Are you at the end of your rope, fed up and confused by all the scrambled internet marketing advice you're getting? Whether you are new to internet marketing, or a website owner who wants to make more money from your website, learn the proven strategies that will sky-rocket your internet business at

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